CHECOD Health Systems Research and Development Limited (CHECOD) was established in 2023 as a private-profit research, advisory, training, development and advocacy consulting enterprise in health and human services...
Health financing analytics and programming; Public financial management; National and Sub-national health accounts; Strategic health and Annual operational plans; Economic evaluations and Investment case ....
At CHECOD, we review policy, practice, and analyze structures, processes, and outputs (SPOs) using standardized analytical frameworks/tools for integrated, sustainable and resilient health systems in Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia. For example, we...
Our core technical experts have attended international training workshops which endowed front line health economics knowledge which enhanced our capacity for developing models...
CHECOD has had robust relationships with several development INGOs partners, including WHO, UNFPA, Global Fund, World Bank, FCDO, and USAID and benefited immensely from their global experience and technical expertise..